Metis Strategic Advisors was founded in 2016 by Dave Lake, Trevor Murgatroyd, and Peter van den Steen, in order
to pool their diverse skills, expertise, and experience, for the benefit of our clients.
Metis Service Offering is executed by a team, of in excess of 20 people, from diverse disciplines and backgrounds.
Metis has in-house experience spanning decades in corporate restructuring, strategic advice, M&A, fund raising, banking and the turnaround of distressed projects and enterprises – all backed by solid credentials and a robust track record.
The knowledge gained from decades of experience serves as a solid foundation for our service offering.

Our team has operated in and executed transactions in a number of jurisdictions including, Africa, the UK, Europe and the Middle East.
With the growth in the Metis Team, we have taken advantage of the significant opportunity to expand our transaction services offering internationally.
Our South African bases are in Johannesburg and Cape Town, and our international base is in the Isle of Man.